When it comes to college, your grades are a pivotal to your success. But college isn’t just about homework, quizzes, midterms, and finals. Its also about friendship, networking, and extracurriculars. Extracurriculars, whether you’re talking about internships or sports, are insanely important for your future. Some say that extracurriculars are almost or as important as your grades. This is because there is an important aspect that is constantly being undercut in our lives: its all about who you know, not what you know. With this, it is vital to recognize that, while grades and learning is very important, connecting with people that will propel your career is just as important. There are multiple options to be fully utilize extracurriculars.
Internships are a great choice when deciding on an extracurricular. They give you fantastic experience for careers you may be interested in working in the future. All internships are unique and could very well lead to future employment in that same company. Make sure to do your due diligence when applying to certain internships, as many internships may bring up red flags to some people. These can include non-paying internships, the values of the company compared to your own, and just that the work they will have you do isn’t something you’re interested in. Even if you do not get a job out of the internship, there is a lot of experience to gain from working, as well as insight and knowledge from the employees of the company.
Going to college does not inherently mean that you have an idea of what you want to major in. For those students that are more athletically driven, going into sports at college could be your ticket into the many national leagues in the US or even overseas. Whether you are talented in soccer, football, or basketball, school teams are the choices for you, given that you can get on the team. If you are, unfortunately, not able to get onto your university’s team, there are also club and intramural sports teams available to you.
Greek Life
For those students like me that desire a stronger connection with other students like yourself, Greek life is for you. The brotherhoods and sisterhoods definitely have their flaws, but they also have many positives to them. One of them, which is possibly the most important, is networking. Whether or not you like the idea of fraternities and sororities, the fact of the matter is that many successful people have participated in many of their houses. Joining one of these will connect you with these successful people, giving you the opportunity to further your own career. Another benefit to joining Greek life is the friends that you will make. While these will not have as much of an effect on your career, it will still help push it further. Not to mention, those friendships you make may very well last most of your life, which greatly increase your quality of life.